How to use
Apply a thin layer 2 to 3 times daily.
For external use only
How to take
Wash and dry your hands before using the ointment.
Gently clean the affected area and allow to dry.
Squeeze the ointment out against your finger and spread it thinly over the affected area.
If possible, massage it gently into the skin being careful not to irritate injured or inflamed areas.
Homoeopathic complementary medicine:
Each 1ml ointment contains:
Arnica montana MT
Hypericum perforatum D3
Rhus toxicodendron D3
Ruta graveolens D3
Symphytum officinale D3
Preservative: Sodium methyl hydroxybenzoate 0.1 %
Package information Leaflet
Why these remedies?
Homoeopathic remedies work energetically to stimulate the body’s innate ability to heal. It works according to the principle of ‘like cures like’ such that a substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person, can be used to treat similar symptoms in a sick person. Over the last 200 years, observations, experiments, homoeopathic provings and clinical experience have resulted in the collection of symptoms associated with particular remedies which are recorded in traditional homoeopathic Materia Medica.
This product has been compiled based on an in-depth knowledge of the tradition and application of homoeopathy. The relevant symptoms from the ingredient remedy pictures are as follows:
In homoeopathic potency, Arnica montana acts on the muscular system of the body.
It relieves muscle strain from overuse and muscular pain associated with injury..
It helps treat bruising by aiding the absorption of blood from muscle and affected tissue.
Homoeopathic Arnica montana also has an anti-swelling and anti-inflammatory action which helps reduce pain. It is useful post-operatively and in recovery from physical trauma.
It also has a useful application in treating shock associated with trauma.
Hypericum perforatum helps relieve painful injuries where nerves have been crushed or damaged.
Rhus toxicodendron acts on fibrous tissue and primarily treats tearing pains in the tendons, ligaments and fasciae, muscular strains, stiffness in the limbs, hot, painful, swollen joints, rheumatic pain, and rheumatism which tends to be worse in cold weather.
Ruta graveolens acts upon the periosteum and cartilage tissue to help treat sprains, bruised feeling in the limbs, lower back pain, sciatica and pain in the feet and ankles.
Symphytum officinale has significant anti-inflammatory activity for topical treatment of minor wounds, skin inflammations and irritations
Special Precautions
If your symptoms are severe or worsen, or if your condition does not improve, please consult your healthcare practitioner or pharmacist.
Do not use this product if you are hypersensitive, allergic or have a known intolerance to any of the ingredients in the medicines.
Natura Drops: The drops contain alcohol – do not use if you are sensitive or intolerant to alcohol.
Natura Tablets: The tablets contain lactose – do not use if you are sensitive or intolerant to lactose. Lactose may have an effect on the control of your blood sugar if you have diabetes mellitus.
Natura Melts: The melts contain lactose - do not use if you or your baby is sensitive or intolerant to lactose. Lactose may have an effect on the control of your blood sugar if you have diabetes mellitus.
Natura Syrups: The syrups contain alcohol – do not use if you are sensitive or intolerant to alcohol. The syrups also contain sugars which may have an effect on the control of your blood sugar if you have diabetes mellitus.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Homoeopathic medicines have traditionally been used during pregnancy and breastfeeding although clinical trials have not been done to prove the safety on this medicine in pregnant or lactating women.
Side effects:: There are no known side effects for any of the Natura Homeopathic remedies, however, if your health deteriorates or you experience an untoward effect you suspect is directly related to taking one of the medicines, please discontinue use with immediate effect and consult your healthcare practitioner or pharmacist. You can also contact us on
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