How to use
Nasal spray: Administer 1- 2 sprays in each nostril 2- 4 hourly or as required.
Shake before use.
How to take
Remove the plastic cap from the nozzle. Hold the bottle upright and place the nozzle into the nostril.
Supporting the base of the bottle with your thumb, press the plunger with your forefingers to release a single spray as you breathe in through your nose.
Release the plunger and remove the nozzle from the nose. Repeat as needed.
Wipe the nozzle and replace the plastic cap after use.
Not for oral use.
Homoeopathic complementary medicine:
Each 1 ml contains:
Agraphis nutans D3
Euphrasia officinalis D1
Hydrastis canadensis D1
Penthorum sedoides D3
Sabadilla officinarum D1
Sambucus nigra D3
Sanguinarium nitrica D8
Thuja occidentalis D1
Wyethia helenoides D3
0.9% Saline
Preservative: 0.2 % Nipagin M sodium
Package information Leaflet
Why these remedies?
Homoeopathic remedies work energetically to stimulate the body’s innate ability to heal. It works according to the principle of ‘like cures like’ such that a substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person, can be used to treat similar symptoms in a sick person. Over the last 200 years, observations, experiments, homoeopathic provings and clinical experience have resulted in the collection of symptoms associated with particular remedies which are recorded in traditional homoeopathic Materia Medica.
This product has been compiled based on an in-depth knowledge of the tradition and application of homoeopathy. The relevant symptoms from the ingredient remedy pictures are as follows:
Agraphis nutans is indicated for blocked nostrils, nasal discharge, enlarged tonsils and adenoids and impaired hearing due to accumulated mucus.
Euphrasia officinalis acts on the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract to relieve profuse runny mucus accompanied by cough and catarrh of the eyes.
Hydrastis canadensis acts on the nasal membranes to relieve thick tenacious post-nasal drip and acrid runny coryza from the nose. It is also indicated for ulceration of the nasal septum.
Penthorum sedoides has a decongestant action on the upper respiratory membranes and treats chronic mucous discharge with burning pain, rawness and loss of voice.
Sabadilla officinarum acts on the nasal membranes and the lachrymal glands and is indicated for spasmodic sneezing, copious runny nose and severe frontal sinus pain.
Sambucus nigra acts on the respiratory system to relieve snuffles, swelling of mucous membranes and a sensation of suffocating while sleeping at night.
Sanguinaria nitrica is indicated for hayfever, profuse offensive yellow nasal discharge, chronic rhinitis, polyps of the nose as well as dry congested nasal membranes.
Thuja occidentalis acts on the nasal membranes to treat chronic mucous discharge of thick green mucus, ulceration in the nostrils and painful pressure at the root of the nose.
Wyethia helenoides acts on the naso-pharyngeal membranes to relieve uncomfortable dryness of the posterior membranes.
Special Precautions
If your symptoms are severe or worsen, or if your condition does not improve, please consult your healthcare practitioner or pharmacist.
Do not use this product if you are hypersensitive, allergic or have a known intolerance to any of the ingredients in the medicines.
Natura Drops: The drops contain alcohol – do not use if you are sensitive or intolerant to alcohol.
Natura Tablets: The tablets contain lactose – do not use if you are sensitive or intolerant to lactose. Lactose may have an effect on the control of your blood sugar if you have diabetes mellitus.
Natura Melts: The melts contain lactose - do not use if you or your baby is sensitive or intolerant to lactose. Lactose may have an effect on the control of your blood sugar if you have diabetes mellitus.
Natura Syrups: The syrups contain alcohol – do not use if you are sensitive or intolerant to alcohol. The syrups also contain sugars which may have an effect on the control of your blood sugar if you have diabetes mellitus.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Homoeopathic medicines have traditionally been used during pregnancy and breastfeeding although clinical trials have not been done to prove the safety on this medicine in pregnant or lactating women.
Side effects:: There are no known side effects for any of the Natura Homeopathic remedies, however, if your health deteriorates or you experience an untoward effect you suspect is directly related to taking one of the medicines, please discontinue use with immediate effect and consult your healthcare practitioner or pharmacist. You can also contact us on
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