Tissue Salts

Simplexes Remedies


A range of 12 individual Tissue Salts, formulated to support your body’s health and healing process by regulating your cell’s mineral levels.
What do you need assistance with?

Calc fluor

Traditionally used to give strength and elasticity to body tissues including skin, ligaments, elastic tissue, bone and enamel

Calc phos

Its excellent restorative powers speed up convalescence and replenish the body’s reserves.

Calc sulph

To assist the liver in removing waste products.
Indicated for assisting when you have abscesses, boils and pimples.

Ferrum phos

Used to assist the immune system in overcoming symptoms of localised inflammation

Kali mur

Traditionally used to help relieve conditions which are associated mucus and phlegm. When you feel ‘congested’.

Kali phos

Traditionally used to assist in the body overcoming a loss of mental vigor and when feeling down, drained, fatigued and irritable.

Kali sulph

The Traditionally used Tissue Salt, Kali sulph, is important for the maintenance of healthy skin, hair and mucous membranes.

Mag phos

When this salt is lacking, it may result in muscle pains and cramps.

Nat mur

When this salt is lacking, it may result in conditions that are characterised either by excessive moisture or excessive dryness in the body.

Nat phos

Traditionally used to help promote a healthy stomach and assist in overcoming excess acidity.

Nat sulph

When the body lacks this salt, it may lead to difficulties with eliminating water from the tissues.


Traditionally used to assist the body in removing unwanted foreign material and assists the body in eliminating pus from pimples, acne and boils.

Nerva 2

May assist in relieving occasional tension headaches.

Nerva 3

May assist in calming feelings of grief and tearfulness.


May assist in dealing with exam stress, mental fatigue, poor concentration and excitability.

Rescue Tablets

Natura Rescue subtly stimulates your inner resourcefulness and positivity to help you cope.

Rescue Spray

Natura Rescue subtly stimulates your inner resourcefulness and positivity to help you cope.

Rescue Drops

Natura Rescue subtly stimulates your inner resourcefulness and positivity to help you cope.

Rescue Melts

Quick dissolving melts which may assist in relieving feelings of distress, restlessness and tearfulness.

Nervuton 2

Assists in restoring calm when you feel wired and tired.

Rescue Tablets

Natura Rescue subtly stimulates your inner resourcefulness and positivity to help you cope.

Rescue Spray

Natura Rescue subtly stimulates your inner resourcefulness and positivity to help you cope.

Rescue Drops

Natura Rescue subtly stimulates your inner resourcefulness and positivity to help you cope.

Rescue Melts

Quick dissolving melts which may assist in relieving feelings of distress, restlessness and tearfulness.


A tonic that may assist in relieving irritability and nervous tension.